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What Is Reiki?


Reikipractice induces a state of relaxation and meditation in both the giver and receiver. The increased flow of energy from the practitioner's hands to the recipient induces profound relaxation. This results in a natural environment conducive to physical, mental-emotional, and spiritual healing.

How Did Mikao Usui Discover Reiki?

Mr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese monk and scholar, rediscovered the use of Reiki to heal and promote health. In the late 1800s, he discovered Reiki through his meditation practices and a lifetime of study of ancient healing techniques and Sanskrit texts. Mr. Usui coined the term "natural healing system" to describe this method of energy healing. Reiki is not associated with any religious practice or belief system, despite the fact that Usui was a Japanese monk.

The practice has spread throughout the world over the last century. Reiki is a non-invasive, complementary therapy that is used in western societies for stress reduction and symptom relief. Reiki therapy has become increasingly popular in recent years in health care facilities, including a few prominent medical centers in the United States. Numerous hospitals now offer Reiki therapy as an adjunct treatment or integrative therapy in patient care, particularly in the cancer or oncology department.

What Is The Meaning Of Energy Healing?

Energy healing is an ancient healing technique that is still used today in a variety of cultures throughout the world. It is founded on the universally accepted truth by contemporary quantum physicists that everything in the universe is energy and that various vibrational energies pervade everything in our environment. Numerous energy healing modalities exist, including Reiki, bio-field energy healing, distance healing, acupuncture, therapeutic touch, healing touch, polarity therapy, emotional freedom techniques, and Qi-gong. While each modality is governed by its own set of principles and teaching philosophies, they all share the common goal of restoring the body's energy flow in order to promote physical, mental-emotional, and spiritual health and well-being.

What Is Reiki And How Is It Performed?

Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a Japanese term that translates as "universal life force energy" (or "spiritual life force energy"). It is a form of energy healing that is used to promote overall health and well-being. A Reiki practitioner tunes into this higher vibrational energy during practice. They then channel it through their bodies to another person or living thing. Rei is a type of higher vibrational energy that flows at a higher frequency, so it dissolves energy blocks and improves energy flow.

The client lies or sits comfortably, fully clothed, during the Reiki session. The practitioner channels universal life force energy to the recipient through light touch or by placing hands over specific energy centers on the body. The recipient may experience sensations of warmth, tingling, sleepiness, refreshedness, or a deep state of relaxation.

How to perform a Reiki Session (Trattamento Reiki Usui)

The Bottom Line

Reiki is a type of complementary energy therapy. Adherents believe that the body is surrounded by an energy field and that disrupting it can result in illness. Reiki therapy is intended to alleviate these disruptions and their associated conditions.

According to research, Reiki does not appear to have any direct healing properties. However, some clients claim that when used in conjunction with other treatments, Reiki helps reduce stress and anxiety.

Before beginning any complementary therapy, a person should always consult their physician.

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