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Can You Perform Reiki On Your Own? A Quick Guide To Self-Reiki


Anyone, regardless of age or physical condition, can study and practice Reikiindependently as a kind of self-care. Children, the elderly, and anyone with physical limitations can all benefit from yoga teaching. No prerequisites exist for receiving training. No prior knowledge of bioenergy or healthcare is required to study Reiki, which may be acquired in ten hours of in-person training in a group setting.

Why Do Self-Reiki?

A woman doing self-reiki and put her hands on her chest
A woman doing self-reiki and put her hands on her chest

While getting Reiki from a friend or an expert is a wonderful experience, there are numerous reasons to learn how to do Reiki on yourself. Not only do individuals with health concerns value the simplicity of self-care; others seeking a more balanced life do as well.

The first reason self-reiki is an excellent alternative is that everyday Reiki self-care provides a way to reclaim a sense of well-being and homeostasis.

Additionally, daily Reiki practice may assist in relieving pain, concern, and tension as needed. Reiki self-care informs patients that they will never be alone or helpless in their suffering again, further empowering them.

Additionally, individuals who are healthy but have chronic health difficulties, such as those with diabetes, cancer, asthma, exhaustion, epilepsy, heart disease, or depression, may benefit from learning Reiki self-care. Individuals may practice Reiki on themselves daily to decrease stress and increase their sense of well-being.

A Guide On How You Can Do Self-Reiki

Here's how to get started with self-reiki at home. Guarantee that you adhere to each of them and practice daily to ensure that your self-learning is effective.

Maintain A Long-Term, Stable Posture

To begin your daily self-practice, find a comfortable position that encourages both physical and mental rest and relaxation. Sit cross-legged on a meditation mat or lie down on a meditation pad. If you're sitting cross-legged for comfort, make sure your hips are higher than your knees. While laying down, prop your legs and neck up with bolsters to avoid damage. You may also sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Experiment with various positions until you find one that is both thrilling and calming.

Begin Receiving Energy

To begin any Reiki practice, you must first awaken your own energy. Close your eyes and repeatedly inhale and exhale. Imagine the top of your head opening and a stream of healing light streaming down to your heart, then out through your arms and hands. Solicit healing in the areas of your body that are most vulnerable. A full cup of Reiki may be offered to a loved one rather than a half-cup.

Continue breathing as you notice the energy flowing, and if your mind wanders or you begin to doubt that this is working, bring your attention back to your breath. Consider yourself a vehicle for healing. Then, make a prayer or intention to maximize the benefit.

Use The Reiki Principles

Mikao Usui taught his students the five reiki precepts or principles in 1922 as a framework for navigating daily life.

As a form of mental and emotional hygiene, it is recommended that you recite the commandments everyday in both Japanese and English. Among the precepts that may guide your spiritual and personal development, as well as your professional activities, are the following:

  • Kyo dake wa
  • Ikaru na
  • Shinpai suna
  • Kansha shite
  • Gyo o hageme
  • Hito ni shinsetsu ni

Heal Yourself Using Your Hands

Even while the attunements given by Reiki master teachers are required to channel the energy, anyone can do so by using their goals, awareness, breath, and spiritual guidance to do so themselves. "We all own reiki and employ it every day without knowing it," asserts reiki teacher Jalpa Dhaduk. When a youngster falls and stubs their knee, a parent's natural instinct is to rub the wound with their hand. This unsuspecting parent is employing Ki (life force energy) to help their child. When a parent unknowingly sends and channels energy, their child receives and absorbs it.

Attunement is not required for hands-on healing. Attend a reiki course with attunement to learn how to feel and channel reiki energy.


In the case of those who require regular self-checks at home, self-reiki should be considered. There's always a way for you to practice self-healing on your own, whether it's for energy, sleep, or stress.

When you learn Reiki, it doesn't matter if you want to use it on yourself or others. The only way to improve one's Reiki skills is to put in the time and effort necessary to improve one's current level of proficiency.

Families can use Reiki to boost their general well-being or address a specific disease. When everyone in the family practices Reiki on themselves and one another, the family adopts a wellness mindset, strengthens ties, and develops healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

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